import { isFalsey } from "../checker";
* Clamps n within the min and max number
* @method
* @param n {number} The number to clamp
* @param min {number} The minimum number
* @param max {number} The maximum number
* @return {number} Returns the clamped number
* @example
* clamp(-100, 0, 100) // 0
* clamp(200, 0, 100) // 100
* @category Number
* @version v0.1.0
export const clamp = (n: number, min: number, max: number): number => {
return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, n));
* Randomize number between the min and max number
* @method
* @param min {number} The minimum number
* @param max {number} The maximum number
* @return {number} Returns the random number
* @category Number
* @version v0.1.0
export const random = (min: number, max: number): number => {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * max + min);
* Format to a standard money string. Credits:
* @method
* @category Number
* @version v0.1.0
export const formatMoney = ({
prefix = null,
suffix = null,
decimalCount = 2,
decimal = ".",
thousands = ",",
}: {
prefix?: null | string;
suffix?: null | string;
decimalCount?: number;
decimal?: string;
thousands?: string;
}): ((amount: string | number) => string | undefined) => {
return (amount: string | number): string | undefined => {
if (typeof amount === "string" && !isNaN(parseFloat(amount))) {
amount = parseFloat(amount);
} else if (typeof amount === "string") {
return amount;
if (!isFalsey(amount)) {
const findDecimal = amount.toString().split(".");
if (findDecimal.length > 1 && findDecimal[1].length > decimalCount) {
return amount.toString();
try {
decimalCount = Math.abs(decimalCount);
decimalCount = isNaN(decimalCount) ? 2 : decimalCount;
const negativeSign = amount < 0 ? "-" : "";
const i = parseInt(
(amount = Math.abs(Number(amount) || 0).toFixed(decimalCount)),
const j = i.length > 3 ? i.length % 3 : 0;
return (
negativeSign +
(prefix ?? "") +
(j ? i.substring(0, j) + thousands : "") +
i.substring(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + thousands) +
? decimal +
Math.abs(Number(amount) - Number(i))
: "") +
(suffix ?? "")
} catch (e) {